Friday, February 8, 2008

The Cross Island Walk

The bus only runs until 12 noon on Sunday so we couldnt walk all the way across but we did walk up to the middle and back ! Our legs were so sore. We didnt see another soul on the trip and only a couple of birds and a few pigs along the road. At the top near The Needle, the granite outcrop you can see in one of the shots above, we paused and it was entirely silent. We saw a single white bird fly down the valley which was kinda beautiful. As we sat under The Needle we read in the Lonely Planet ," Do not approach directly under The Needle as several pieces have recently been dislodged and it would be a shame to walk so far to see The Needle only to have it fall on you," or somesuch. "Do not proceed past the T-junction," it said. "Where was the t-junction?" i asked Elly." Back down there," she replied pointing somewhere down the trail. Oops. Anyhow, we stopped, took some photos and our chances with falling rocks, survived to tell the tale and commenced our walking/ass sliding down the mountain.

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